COVID Special conditions of hire
February 2022
Note: These conditions are supplemental to, not a replacement for, the hall’s ordinary conditions of hire.
While the Government has signalled the ending of Covid restrictions from 24th February you are asked to observe the following requirements in order that more vulnerable people feel safe using this hall.
You, the hirer, will be responsible for encouraging those attending your activity or event to comply with the
COVID-19 Secure Guidelines while entering and occupying the hall, as displayed at the hall entrance, and using the hand sanitiser supplied.
You undertake to comply with the actions identified in the hall’s risk assessment, of which you will be provided with a copy.
You will make sure that everyone likely to attend your activity or event understands that they MUST NOT DO SO if they are unwell or anyone in their household has had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 48 hours, or if still in their self-isolation period following a positive test. If they develop symptoms within 5 days of visiting the premises, they should be encouraged to carry out a COVID-19 test and notify NHS test and trace if the result is positive.
You will be responsible for regular cleaning of frequently used surfaces during your hire, paying particular attention to equipment such as tables, wash hand basins and kitchen sinks, using either the products supplied or ordinary domestic products. Please clean surfaces used before leaving. Please take care cleaning electrical equipment: Use cloths - do not spray!
You will keep the premises well ventilated during your hire. You will be responsible for ensuring doors and windows are all securely closed on leaving.
You will encourage social distancing between people who do not have regular contact with each other as far as possible. We advise that no more than 50 people attend your activity/event in the Main Hall and 10 in the Newell Room, in order that social distancing can be maintained.
You will encourage mitigation measures such as face coverings if your event is likely to be busy or crowded and when using confined areas such as toilets and corridors, for the safety of others.
You will take particular care to ensure that social distancing (or mitigation such as face coverings) is maintained with any persons likely to be more vulnerable to COVID-19, including for example ensuring they can access the toilets or other confined areas without compromising social distancing.
You will arrange the room as far as possible to facilitate social distancing, for example: Seating side by side rather than face-to-face, at least one empty chair between each person or household group. If tables are being used by people from different households a wide U-shape is advisable.
You will be responsible for the disposal of all rubbish created during your hire, including tissues and cleaning cloths, in the bins provided before you leave. [All other rubbish should be taken away with you when you leave the hall.]
Food or drink should if possible be consumed while seated.
We will have the right to close the hall if there are safety concerns relating to COVID-19, for example, if someone attending the hall develops symptoms and cleansing is required, if it is reported these Special Hiring Conditions are not being complied with or if public buildings are required or advised to close again. If that is necessary, we will do our best to inform you promptly and you will not be charged for this hire.
For events which are likely to be busier or crowded you will take additional steps for Covid security. For example, operating a booking or queuing system, providing attendants or stewards who seat people, inviting people to use toilets in the interval row by row.
In order to avoid risk of aerosol or droplet transmission please avoid people needing to shout or raise their voices to each other, e.g. refrain from playing loud music at a volume which makes normal conversation difficult.
Other special points as appropriate.
E.g. Where a sports, exercise or performing arts activity takes place:
You will organise your activity in accordance with guidance issued by the relevant governing body for your sport or activity
E.g. Where a group uses their own equipment:
You will ask those attending to bring their own equipment and not share it with other members or you will ensure that any equipment you provide is cleaned before use and before being stored in the hall.